
What is Grace?

A safe space created by Songhai Advisory to bring together ambitious, inspiring African women who are passionate about their heritage and who want to engage meaningfully in the transformative and sustainable development of Africa. Through co- supporting, co-learning & co-creating, Grace is committed to finding solutions for African women to be the best versions of themselves, starting with the core.


It all started when…

…ten years after co-founding Songhai Advisory and at a time of unprecedented change, Kissy felt that the time was right to breathe life into a long-held desire to bring together like-minded African women, passionate about the transformation of the continent, starting with the self.

By sharing our unique experiences, Grace members are able to hear the collective voice in order to cut through the noise of negativity and find solutions to whatever challenge is at play. The cross pollination of ideas from both the micro - Grace members - and the macro - the wider world - is enriching and affords solution-finding which can be both personal and publicly relevant. The effect of this is transformation across our various spheres of influence - the self, the home, the workplace and the community.

At Songhai, our raison d’etre is to provide insight and counsel in support of transformative and sustainable investment in Africa and Grace enables us to do that even more effectively, particularly on issues related to gender.